Step into being more youthful, spry, and vibrant. We have excellent supplements to help with the most common symptoms of postmenopausal women. Low energy, insomnia, hair loss, brain fog, anxiety, and low libido can all be addressed by using natural progesterone crème and select supplements. If you are over 60, we have the optimal, best choices for your health!

A diverse group of beautiful senior women enjoy time together outdoors.

Women over 60 greatly benefit from natural progesterone and a few, select supplements. We have been spreading the gospel of these supplements for many years.

From years of research & experience, and from listening to our over-60 women, we have learned that postmenopausal women most commonly experience the following symptoms: low energy, insomnia, hair loss, brain fog, anxiety, and low libido.

After menopause, progesterone levels do not magically balance out again, so getting “used to” this version of yourself seems like the only option. Luckily, studies and research show that natural progesterone is extremely beneficial for women over 60.

And there’s more… lots more. Among the many benefits of progesterone use for the over-60 is bone health. In a well-known study, many of the women given natural progesterone experienced extraordinary benefits. The study showed that in 3 years, instead of losing 4.5% of bone density (as expected), women actually increased in bone density. Further, the study refuted the myth that osteoporosis is irreversible for older women. The women over the age of 60 in the study actually showed even better results than the younger women.

You are never “too old” or “too late” to consider natural progesterone. Even if you do not suffer from hot flashes or night sweats anymore, progesterone plays other vital roles in the body, and it can help you feel GREAT!

A Group Of Seniors Jogging Outdoors

Barbara has hand-picked three science-based supplements for women over 60 that work beautifully with the progesterone to help you feel like your youthful self again. If you are supplement shy, start with natural progesterone crème. If you are using natural progesterone and want additional support for low energy, insomnia, brain fog, anxiety, and low libido, take a look at the list below.

Our Barbara Hoffman’s Key Supplements


ProHELP Moisture Treatment Crème

Bioidentical Progesterone

ProHelp Moisture Treatment Cream

Progesterone is the first step – low energy, insomnia, hair loss, brain fog, anxiety, and low libido can all be addressed with this crème. Postmenopausal women often experience these symptoms due to hormone imbalance, which then impacts various aspects of their health. When your hormones are balanced, the rest of your body becomes supported. You will use this crème once per day.

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DHEA 10-25mg


DHEA 10-25 mgDHEA 10-25 mg

Consider supplementing DHEA alongside your progesterone crème if you are experiencing issues with libido, low energy, weight loss, alertness, and muscle weakness. Avoid if you have PCOS or hirsutism.

DHEA is a precursor to progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. All of these hormones start their decline after the age of 40, and DHEA can convert into whatever your body needs. Women should take between 10-20 mg daily for sufficient DHEA levels.

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PS 100mg


PS 100mg Phosphatidylserine

Consider using PS100 alongside your progesterone crème if you experience brain fog, short-term memory loss, or want to prevent Alzheimer’s and/or dementia.

Phosphatidylserine is a key component to the cell’s membrane and helps the nerves transmit messages within the brain. Studies show that it prevents memory loss, preserves mental fitness, and improves concentration.

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5-HTP 50mg


5-HTP 50mg 5-Hydroxytryptophan

Consider using 5-HTP if you suffer from insomnia, anxiety, depression, migraines, and brain fog/memory loss.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin is the “happy” brain chemical that regulates mood, memory, learning, sleep, digestion, and other involuntary functions. Low serotonin levels can lead to food cravings, depression, anxiety, inflammation, insomnia, and joint pain.

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We have one other supplement for those of you over-60 battling sleeplessness. For more information, let us know! Call our office at (877) 880-0170 or email Barbara at barbara@askbarbarahoffman.com.

Click here to watch our Barbara Hoffman’s YouTube video where she discusses Progesterone for Women Over 60!

Am I Too Old For Progesterone Video

Take a moment to watch Barbara’s recent YouTube Video on the use of progesterone for women over 60

Take a look at Barbara’s Blog going into further detail about the benefits for using Progesterone for Women Over 60 HERE