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This page is to inform and educate California consumers only.

The State of California requires specific warnings to consumers about products that contain chemicals on the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) list of substances that are labeled by OEHHA as carcinogens (substances that can cause cancer) or are called reproductive toxicants (substances believed to cause reproductive harm). In 1986 the voters of the State of California adopted the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Hazard Enforcement Act (so-called “Prop (or Proposition) 65”). Prop 65 authorized the establishment of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, whose mission it is to identify and list substances it believes are hazards to the health of California residents.

The official web site of OEHHA can be reached through the following link: California Prop 65 Web Site

Types of Substances Listed
Substances can either be added to the list or removed from the list based upon scientific testing or a declaration by some authoritative body or group. Currently there are in excess of 770 substances listed by OEHHA. These substances range from naturally occurring substances such as vitamins, minerals, natural human hormones, and more to synthetically produced substances such as many chemicals used in food colorings, hair dyes, cosmetics, automotive fuels, synthetic hormones for human use, and more. Natural progesterone is listed as progesterone. While it is identical to human progesterone, it is nonetheless on the Prop 65 List as a substance “known to the State of California to cause cancer.”

Prop 65 Requirement:
California’s Prop 65 requires consumer warnings in a variety of acceptable formats; however, there are some specific exemptions to this requirement [which really make no sense, but it’s the law]. “Stand-alone” warning labels require the following statement: “This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.“ The purpose of this page is to provide that information to California residents.

Better Health Naturally Products
The products manufactured by Better Health Naturally that contain progesterone are:
• ProHELP™ Moisture Treatment crème, 2 oz jar
• Menopause Moisture Treatment Crème, 2 oz jar
• Pro-MEN™ Prostate Crème for Men, 2 oz jar

If you have any questions about using any of these products, we encourage you to seek the advice of your Medical Health Professional or read and study any of the authoritative books covering progesterone and its use, including, but not limited to:
• What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, John R. Lee, MD, Grand Central Life & Style, Hachette Book Group, Revised Edition (2004). Dr. Lee cites Better Health Naturally Cremes, ProHELP and Menopause creme as a valuable source of real progesterone cream.
• What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause, John R. Lee, MD, Wellness Central, Hachette Book Group
• What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer, John R. Lee, MD, Grand Central Life & Style, Hachette Book Group
• Hormone Balance Made Simple, John R. Lee, MD and Virginia Hopkins, Grand Central Life & Style, Hachette Book Group
• The Estrogen Alternative: Natural Hormone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone, Raquel Martin and Judi Gerstung, DC,
Healing Arts Press, Inner Traditions International
• Natural Woman Natural Menopause, Marcus Laux, ND, Christine Conrad, Harper Collins
• Natural Hormone Therapy, Uzzi Reiss, MD, Pocket Books
• Hormone Heresy, Sherrill Sellman, GetWell International, Inc.

Our Statement
This law requires a warning. We strongly encourage you to use your good sense and make an informed decision. If you still have any doubts about using our products containing progesterone, we strongly encourage you to seek other alternatives.

Final Note: Neither Better Health Naturally or its resellers are authorized to make or imply any drug claim with respect to any of Better Heal Naturally products. Any claim or statement to the contrary is strictly prohibited.

You can find answers to all of your questions concerning these products from the resources listed above as well as your own Medical Professional.